Thinking about Joining Mock Trial?

We want YOU to join us!

Every year, we have an info session and hold tryouts for new members. This coming school year, we’ll be having our info session on August 30th, 2023.

Please fill out this interest form so that we can keep you in the loop regarding mock trial info sessions, the audition process, and more!



How do I get involved?

All Members of the Notre Dame Mock Trial Association are selected through a tryout process that occurs at the beginning of the academic year.

When are tryouts held?

Tryouts are held at the beginning of each fall semester. This year they will fall in early September. Make sure to fill out our interest form to get updates!

Can I still tryout to be on the team later in the year?

Given the nature of college mock trial requiring lots and lots of practice we only recruit at the beginning of the school year. If you can’t commit to the program this year but would like to participate in future academic years, please look for us at the club fair in the fall or sign up for our emails!

How can I get more information about tryouts?

Stop by our booth at Activities Night on August 30th! We will be there in the Notre Dame Stadium Concourse from 7 pm-10 pm to answer any questions and tell you about how much we love mock trial! Feel free to reach out directly if you have questions though! If you can’t make it and want to get updates from us, please fill out our Google Form here.

Can I still participate if I am studying abroad?

Yes! Every year, we have members that are abroad for a semester, taking a gap semester, etc. Just let us know!

Do I need high school mock trial experience to participate?

Not at all! We take students from all experience levels. There are always multiple new students each year who have never done Mock Trial before, and that's totally not an issue. What we are looking for is public-speaking skills, ability to speak on your feet, and a collaborative attitude. You are not expected to have any previous knowledge about Rules of Evidence or trial procedure. We can teach you all of that!​

What happens during the tryout?

After seeing an example of an opening statement and witness presentation at the informational meeting, we will send you a shorter version of the previous year's case. At the tryout, you will give us a short speech, some improvised arguments, and witness presentation and questioning. Click here for more detailed information. Yes, you do have to audition as both an attorney and a witness! Don't worry, we won't be looking at content so much as presentation, and we understand that everyone comes from different Mock backgrounds and levels of experience.

Do you have any tips for a successful tryout?

The most important thing is to relax and be yourself! Remember that people judging you are just students that love mock trial, just like you! It is also important to prepare well for both the attorney and witness aspects of the audition since we consider both of them!

More Questions?

Contact Us!